Hi, I am


Richart Carrozza

Born in the South of France in 1967, I experienced an epiphany by the age of twelve when my attention came across a box of  Papus Bohemian tarot cards in the Southern French town of Sète. City which name sounds exactly the same as the number seven in French language. And my last name Carrozza that means chariot in Italian, the 7th major arcana in the Marseille Tarot.

Twelve years later, suffering of depression, I entered a karate dojo where Alejandro Jodorowsky’s ‘’Cabaret Mystique’’ was performed at that time. I had a revelation, an irresistible call that did turn into a vocation and passion. This was the beginning of another twelve years cycle of learning and practicing the Evolutive Tarot, Psychogenealogy and of course the Art of Psychomagic. At first, I was introduced to the Tarot through “Jodo”and other students that were more advanced than me. I began to follow on my spiritual journey and start reading the tarot as a tarologist in several Parisian cafes. A few years later I deepened my work as a therapist.

Another new cycle of twelve years and I became Alejandro Jodorowsky’s personal assistant, his teacher and master ‘’a la oriental’’. I spent eight years performing art, transforming myself, leaving my comfort zone and finally found my selves on the spiritual path that had saved his life. I gave workshops and courses in Italy, Spain and England. Then moved to Chile. Working there, I extended my work in Argentina and Brazil. I deepened my knowledge and practice on shamanism and the spiritual rites of master plants, a next level of healing. I keep on learning any technique that can help communicate with the unconscious mind ; I intensively practices poetry, visual arts, installations and performance (has exhibited twice for Modern Panic in London), theater and martial arts (karate, tai chi chuan).

The true master is in the Tarot itself and he transmits the presence on the path of the spirit and soul!

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Thank you very much your visit 🙂 !

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